Perkins Phaser 1004 Oil Pump
Quality aftermarket Phaser 1004 oil pumps representing excellent value. We offer three different options, please ensure that you let us have your engine number with the order so that the correct pump is supplied.
The normally aspirated version fits the following engine codes:
- AA - 1004-4
- AG - 1004G
- AR - 1004-42
- AS - 1004-42
The turbo charged version fits the following engine codes:
- AB - 1004-4T
- AC - 1004-4T
- AD - 135Ti
- AE
- AF - 1004-40S
- AG - 1004G
- AH - 1004-4T
- AJ - 1004-40
- AK - 1004-40T
- AL - 1004-40TA
- AM - 1004-40TW
- AP - 1004-40
- AQ - 1004-40T
The Balancer 6 Bolt with oil pump version fits the following engine codes:
- AB - 1004-4T
- AD - 135Ti
- AH - 1004-4T
- AJ - 1004-40
- AK - 1004-40T
- AM - 1004-40TW
- AP - 1004-40
- AQ - 1004-40T
- AT - 1004-40TA.
UK, European, and Worldwide shipping available.